What is Pick6?
Pick6 is a peer-to-peer Fantasy Sports (DFS) contest format offered by DraftKings. Participants compete against each other by building lineups of athletes in a single sport and selecting whether or not their chosen athletes will outperform a statistical projection during real-world sporting events. The goal for participants is to make more correct picks than the other participants in each contest. Winning entries receive a share of the available prizes.
In Pick6, participants can build lineups of between 2 or more players (3 or more if you are physically located in Colorado) and compete against participants with the same lineup size. Learn more about where DraftKings Pick6 is available.
How Do Pick6 Entries Work?
After building your Pick Set, you will be asked to enter your Entry Fees.
Pick6 contests are $1 entry contests. Each $1 of your Entry Fees represents a single entry into a contest and each entry is competing for a share of the contest's total prizes. For example, $10 in Entry Fees is equal to 10 entries for the selected Pick Set.
Unlike other DraftKings DFS contests, participants do not need to enter individual contests through the contest lobby. Instead, your Entry Fees will be divided into $1 entries, which are then distributed across eligible contests, subject to your confirmation.
Why Are My Pick6 Entries Distributed?
Unlike other DFS contests offered by DraftKings–which can vary by style, entry fee, rules, scoring and other attributes–Pick6 contests are structured so that participants do not need to select individual contests from a lobby. Instead, participants can focus solely on building their Pick Sets. To ensure a consistent entry experience, all participants’ entries are distributed in the same manner across eligible contests.
If you prefer to select a specific DFS contest, visit the DraftKings DFS Lobby.
How Are My Pick6 Entries Distributed?
Your entries will be distributed across eligible contests in the following order:
- Contests where you have no entries; then
- Contests where you have no entries of the current lineup being entered, but have entries of other Pick Set(s); then
- Contests where you already have entries of the current Pick Set being entered.
If the number of contests in (1), (2) or (3) above are equal, your entries will be placed in the contests in which you have the fewest number of total entries, irrespective of Pick Set, followed by the contests with the lowest percentage of seats filled at the time of entry submission.
Example 1: Distribution Upon First Time Entering
If you are entering Pick6 contests for the first time with Entry Fees of $20 (20 entries) and there are 15 eligible contests available, your entry distribution will occur as follows:
- 1 entry into each of the 15 contests (15 entries); then
- 1 entry into each of the 5 contests with the lowest percentage of seats filled (5 entries).
In this example, the final distribution of the 20 entries in 15 eligible contests is: 1 entry in 10 contests and 2 entries in the remaining 5 contests.
Example 2: Distribution When Entering a Second Pick Set
If there are 15 eligible contests available and you enter Pick Set A with Entry Fees of $10 (10 entries), then enter Pick Set B with Entry Fees of $25 (25 entries), your entry distribution will occur as follows:
- 1 entry of Pick Set A in each of the 10 contests with the lowest percentage of seats filled (10 entries of Pick Set A); then
- 1 entry of Pick Set B in each of the 5 contests without an entry of Pick Set A (5 entries of Pick Set B); then
- 1 entry of Pick Set B in each of the 15 contests (15 entries of Pick Set B); then
- 1 entry of Pick Set B in each of the 5 contests that have the lowest percentage of seats filled (5 entries of Pick Set B)
In this example, the final distribution of 10 entries of Pick Set A and 25 entries of Pick Set B in 15 eligible contests is: 3 entries in 5 contests and 2 entries in 10 contests.
Please Note: Pick6 contests contain a Max Entry Limit of 150 entries. Accordingly, the maximum Entry Fees at any time is 150x the total number of eligible contests available at the time of entry. If your Entry Fees exceed the number of eligible contests at time of entry, your Entry Fees will be allocated into as many contests as possible, which may reduce your total Entry Fees.
What Happens if a Contest Fills Before I Submit My Entries?
If a contest from your distribution fills prior to your entries being successfully submitted, your entries will be redistributed using the same methodology. If you want to approve all changes that occur to your original contest distribution, you can enable this setting, which is located in the Gameplay Settings menu within MyAccount.
How are Prizes Determined?
Pick6 contest entries are scored based on the number of correct pick selections made by the participants. A portion of the total prize pool for each contest is pre-assigned to entries with a certain number of correct picks. Winning entries receive a share of prizes as described in each contest’s prize table. To review the requirements to earn prizes for a contest, go to the “Prize Structure” tab in the contest details.
For example, a 5-Pick NFL contest with a $10,000 total prize pool may have the following prize structure:
5/5 Correct: Splits $8,0000
4/ 5 Correct: Splits $2,000
In this example, all entries having 5/5 correct, would win a share of the $8,000. The exact share would be calculated based on the amount of Standings Points for each entry. Learn more about how Standings Points are calculated.
Your total prize amount is calculated by adding together the prizes awarded from each contest in which your lineup was entered. Learn more about how Pick6 Total Contest Winnings are Calculated.
Where Do I Find More Information About My Pick6 Contests?
Within the Pick6 entry process, the contests that your entries have been distributed into can be viewed by clicking “View Contest Breakdown.” Important information, such as entrants, prize structure and rules, for each individual contest are available in the contest details, which can be found by tapping on any ContestID in the contest breakdown list. Learn more about locating your Contest Details.