DraftKings Sportsbook Favorites Tab - Overview (US)



Keep track of your Leagues, Teams and Players with DraftKings Sportsbook Favorites tab!

How do I add a League, Team, or Player to My Favorites?

  1. Log in to your DraftKings Sportsbook account.
  2. Tap the All Sports tab at the bottom of your screen.
  3. At the top of your screen you will see your Favorites carousel with a + button to add and edit your favorite teams and athletes.
  4. To start adding Leagues, Teams and Players to your Favorites, tap the + button.
  5. Once you have selected your Favorite Leagues, you can start selecting your Favorite Teams.
  6. After you have selected your Favorite Leagues and Teams, you can start selecting your Favorite Players.
  7. Once you have selected your Favorite Leagues, Teams, and Players, return to the DraftKings Sportsbook All Sports tab where your Favorites carousel will display the selections you have made.

A visual representation of this process can be found below


How do I edit the My Favorites tab?

  1. Log in to your DraftKings Sportsbook account.
  2. Tap the All Sports tab at the bottom of your screen to see your Favorites carousel.
  3. Tap the + button to edit your Favorites selections.
  4. On the My Favorites Page, you will see two options, Add and Arrange, to edit your selections.
  5. If you would like to add more Leagues, Teams, or Players to your Favorites tab, select Add.
  6. To remove Leagues, Teams, or Players from your Favorites tab, select Arrange.

A visual representation of this process can be found below
