What do PMR, PIR, PLR, or PHR mean in Fantasy Sports? (US)


In Fantasy Sports, PMR, PIR, PLR, and PHR all help you understand how much time is remaining in a regular game, race, or contest. 

Note: Overtime is not included in any of these. 


Player Minutes Remaining

  • Used for sports that have set times associated with quarters, periods, etc. 
  • Represents the total possible minutes for all players combined. There is no guarantee that any player will use all or part of their possible minutes.
  • Minutes are tracked against each individual player, even if two players are on the same team or in the same game. 

Player Matches Remaining

  • Used in tennis.
  • Counts down by one (1) for each athlete’s completed match.


Player Innings Remaining

  • Used for baseball. 
  • Indicates the total remaining number of innings all players might play, but doesn't guarantee that they will participate in the game.


Player Laps Remaining

  • Used for auto-racing, such as NASCAR and F1.
  • The PLR will decrease at the start of each lap.
  • Laps are tracked against each player.


Player Holes Remaining

  • Displays the number of golf holes remaining for players in your rostered lineup.
  • Holes are tracked against each individual player.